Our Story

Jimmy Gilliam is a country/western singer from Lester Alabama. His love for The Lord Jesus Christ and love for music inspires him to sing/write songs that help others. He has done numerous benefit shows in and around North Alabama. He has also performed in Nashville at the Opry Mills Mall multiple times during 2013-2014.

I can say that I just love music... Always have. When I was a young boy I remember listening at home to the "Elvis, Aloha from Hawaii" album. I remember dressing up when no one was around, pretending to be Elvis and coming out before a crowd of 10,000 people. That was so exciting for me, but there was one problem....I was too shy to sing or do just about anything in public. As a boy I could visualize faces in that make believe crowd and how they were so captivated by a song I was singing. As I entered my teenage years my dream of wanting to sing took a backseat to my love for the drums. I joined my high school band and wanted to play the drums so bad because drummers were so cool! Just like my uncle, Garth Brooks' studio drummer, Milton Sledge. 
  Along about the early 1990's I worked up the courage to start leading singing at my local church. Guess what... That threw gas on the fire to start my dream of being a singer all over again. I picked up a guitar for about 250 bucks and learned 3 or 4 chords with the help of a local friend, Grady Barnett. I was sure to be fulfilling my dream to sing now!!! I started listening more to people like Merle Haggard, George Jones, Ronnie Milsap and George Strait. These guys were my inspiration!! Although some of their songs, not all, were sad, troubled and filled with "do you wrong" lyrics I saw it as a true life learning tool to say " look what can happen if you fall into that trap"!!! 
   In 2004 I came in contact with a good friend to this day Mr Roger Whitt. Roger and the Roger Whitt band would do a local show every year to help provide money for a local high school in Athens Alabama. The show was called " The Musical Explosion". This show ran every year for 25+ years. Roger got me on this show in 2005. Since then I have changed my direction in music. My direction was no longer to be a big star. My direction changed to help others and have a Great time doing it!! We continue to perform for local benefits, events and other opportunities to help raise funds for various needs. Who is to say this will not progress into bigger shows and more opportunities? Only the good Lord knows that!!! All I know is I am a blessed individual!!! My wife Merri Beth, my sons Brody and Gentry are the BEST things that have come into my life!!! I thank the Good Lord for family and music!! Feel free to contact me for CD's, up coming show, benefits and other surprises along the way. God Bless!!!!!!
Jimmy Gilliam
Phillipians 2:3